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Member Dues and Fees

RATES 2025RVAR DuesVAR DuesNAR DuesRVAR App FeeVAR New Member FeeTotal to RVAR
February$270.00$197.00$188.00 $300.00$197.00 $1,152.00
March$270.00$197.00$175.00$300.00$197.00 $1,139.00
April $202.50  $147.75  $162.00  $300.00$197.00 $1,009.25
May $202.50 $147.75  $149.00 $300.00$197.00 $996.25
June $202.50 $147.75 $136.00 $300.00$197.00 $983.25
July $135.00 $ 98.50 $123.00 $300.00$197.00 $853.50
August $135.00 $ 98.50 $110.00 $300.00$197.00 $840.50
September $135.00 $ 98.50 $97.00 $300.00$197.00 $827.50
October $ 67.50 $ 49.25 $84.00 $300.00$197.00 $697.75
November $ 67.50 $ 49.25 $71.00 $300.00$197.00 $684.75
December $ 67.50 $ 49.25 $58.00 $300.00$197.00 $671.75

New members may pay the next month’s lower dues only on the last business day of any given month.

MLS Related Fees

MLS fees are $36 per month. You will pay for your first month of MLS service, after which your Broker will be billed monthly for your MLS service.

Payment of RVAR dues/fees is a prerequisite to MLS and Supra services.

Supra will charge a $50 activation fee in order to set up your eKey account. Supra will charge your credit card on the 13th of every month for $14.08 (+tax) for basic service or $23.41 (+tax) for professional service.

Please contact RVAR’s Membership Coordinator Melissa Elder with any questions. 

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